Are we ready for the new normal post COVID-19?

marketing after the pandemic

COVID-19 is a black swan event, a human tragedy with a long-term economic implication. Everything that we knew about the way the world conducted business prior to March 2020 has changed, and it will continue to change. In the next few quarters consumer behaviour, changed media consumption, partial relaxation of restrictions, drop of discretionary spends […]

Don’t be delusional about disruptions, they are here to stay

post covid marketing strategy

Management teams across businesses and industries are furiously having online meetings, discussions and brainstorming sessions. Since customers have deserted them or rather, they have been forced into isolation, there is not much happening on the business front. Some of the key comments that I have picked up – We are all doing scenario planning. What […]

Character in times of COVID-19

marketing after the pandemic

It has been an unprecedented week. We have been aware of the danger for some time now and have been moving in the lower gears, waiting, watching, anticipating a little, going through the BCP, changing to top gear – enabling tech and infra set-up, prepping teams, actively engaging with clients, reviewing, micro-managing, shoring up finances, […]

Change Management is as much about staying the course as it is about pivoting

change management process

Look around any corporate house, manufacturer, service provider and one theme that resonates across is change management. So why do organisations need to change? They need to change because they need to deliver value to stakeholders, to customers, to society. Mostly organisational questions are like –  should the organisation expand into new regions, get closer […]

Moving towards better data quality: DevOps Vs. DataOps

marketing intelligence

The need and hunger for data in an organisation is cliché. Organisations need to move beyond the obvious and they are unable to do so because they are not certain about the quality of data that they possess. Now quality of data does not exactly depend on how many sophisticated tools you buy. It depends […]

The Challenge of Change Management in a Digital World

change management process

For most organisations, becoming digital first is a priority and more often than not digital transformation begins as an outside-in process. But even the most transformation well-articulated strategies are bound to fall flat if they don’t focus on the inside of the organization as much as the outside.When thinking about re-designing a company for the […]