The conundrum of creating connected customer strategies for India

customer experience strategies

The current buzzwords in marketing seem to be connected customer strategies. Many books and articles are being written on the subject. But how true is all of it and how practical is all of it especially in India? Yes, I know it is a rhetorical question. We know the answer. We also know the challenges. […]

10 Marketing trends for 2020

digital marketing trends

The pace of change in customer behaviour is huge. A lot of this is enabled by technology and customer bench marking of experiences now cuts across categories. Competition can be anyone and can be anywhere. Crafting marketing strategies is no longer just an annual ritual. Sure, one needs annual benchmarks and guidance, but things are […]

Brand Loyalty is passé, Customer loyalty is the future.

customer loyalty programs

The concept of brand loyalty is a dying one. Consider the fact that when you search for a product online, you are bombarded with messages from five to ten brands trying to convince you why they are better than the rest. Sure, there is brand pull and brand salience but after that elimination at least […]

Nike is at the forefront of redefining retail experience

nike marketing strategy

I hate it when the same brands come up when we think of innovation and future design, but I guess that’s why they are the marquee brands for which customers are willing to fork out a huge premium.On my recent trip to LA, I went to a Nike store at Del Amo Mall in Torrance […]

Redefining Customer Experience in 2019

customer experience strategy

My inbox regularly gets flooded with a plethora of trends but for some strange reason most of them are on technology, big data and analytics. I am a believer in technology, but I am also of the firm opinion that technology is an enabler. Marketers can never delegate their job of thinking for their brands […]