How Global Banks Are Leveraging Generative AI to Transform Consumer Interactions

generative ai in marketing

Global banks are increasingly leveraging Generative AI (Gen AI) to revolutionize consumer interactions and enhance customer experiences across various touchpoints. This transformative technology is reshaping how banks engage with their customers, offering personalized services, and streamlining operations. The adoption of generative AI in banking has the potential to add significant value, with estimates ranging from […]

Zero-Party Data: A Powerful Tool for Modern Marketers – Part 1

zero party data

IIn today’s digital landscape, where data privacy concerns are paramount and third-party cookies are on their way out, marketers are increasingly turning to zero-party data as a valuable resource for understanding and engaging their customers. This article explores the concept of zero-party data, its importance for marketers, and effective strategies for collecting and leveraging this […]

The Marketing and Advertising Technology Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Approach to Optimizing Marketing Efforts

marketing technology and martech stack

In today’s digital landscape, the marketing and advertising technology ecosystem has evolved into a sophisticated framework that enables businesses to effectively manage and optimize their marketing efforts. This ecosystem is segmented into three interrelated layers: data, intelligence, and activation. Together, these layers provide an integrated approach to accessing and moving data across various solutions, channels, […]

Charting a Unified Path in the Customer Data Landscape

cx strategy

It’s been a long time since we have been discussing a customer single view or a 360-customer view. A plethora of marketing technologies, a promise of hyper-personalisation like never before, and the use of artificial intelligence and analytics has helped build momentum towards achieving this. Marketers today understand that there is a need to continuously […]

The Future of Data Clean Rooms in 2024

data clean rooms

In the era of data-driven decision making, data clean rooms have emerged as a critical component of the digital marketing landscape. As we step into 2024, the role of data clean rooms is expected to evolve and expand, driven by advancements in technology and changing data privacy regulations. Understanding Data Clean Rooms Data clean rooms are secure […]

Utilisation of Data Pipeline Architecture by Indian Enterprises

utilisation of data pipeline architecture by indian enterprises

Today, organisations deal with massive amounts of data. To analyse all this data, organisations need a single view of the entire data set. The problem is that data more often than not resides in multiple systems. It needs to be brought together meaningfully and purposefully so that it can be effectively put to use for […]